Piranha Photography - London Corporate Photographer

New Tascam Audio Recorder for Video

New Audio Equipment for Video

New Tascam Audio Recorder for Video

Audio, accounts for about 60 -70 % of the watchability of a video or film. A poor video quality with excellent sound is bearable, poor sound but with great video clarity is switched off after 30 seconds.

In recent years small digital and very portable audio devices have made great strides in improving audio on location and are a great improvement on the widespread use of microphones attached  to the top of cameras, and some even allow professional XLR inputs from broadcast microphones. However there is a limit to the benefits such devices can bring. The pre amps that magnify the sound from the mic should have little or virtually noise and the tonal range should be wide, and we decided that in order to improve our video offering by leaps and bounds, we would upgrade our audio recording capability.

After a lot of research, we purchased a new Tascam PD-H6 solid state broadcast audio recorder, only slightly larger in physical size to the typical device,  it offers a recording quality that has to be heard to be believed, using the same microphones as before this recorder can deliver a rich clear audio track to any corporate or business video, with so much clarity you can almost hear the interviewee’s watch ticking, all saved to solid state disks at a resolution way over CD quality.

With a series of corporate projects to shoot and complete before Christmas, we look forward to producing the highest quality audio and video to our clients.


"With a series of corporate projects to shoot and complete before Christmas, we look forward to producing the highest quality audio and video to our clients - Douglas