A challenging balancing act for Equistone Partners Europe’s new website photography
Our brief from Equistone Partners Europe, a leading mid-market private equity firm, for its new website – Equistone Website demanded eye-catching but informal shots of its Partners and employees that captured ‘a sense of place’ in France, Switzerland and the UK, reflecting the importance Equistone sets on being local capital partners working in local markets.
The other important consideration was how well the portrait photographs would display on the new site. When framing the pictures, we had to make sure we had allowed room for the site’s navigational banners.
And we needed just the right depth of field to keep subjects sharply in focus, while blurring the background to avoid distraction but leaving sufficient visual ‘clues’ about each country where Equistone operates. In the end, we were happy we had achieved this challenging balancing act.
For the technically minded, nearly all the photographs were taken on a new Leica M240 coupled with a 35mm Summicron ASPH lens.
The Leica M240, with its famous rangefinder design, is invaluable on location assignments, being light and durable with an almost silent shutter. This allows me as the photographer to blend into the background, which relaxes the subjects and is much less intimidating. It’s worth saying again that the Leica rangefinder is the camera behind most of the memorable and iconic images of the previous century.
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Photography featured in company magazine
Platform is the company’s magazine which is printed and also published online with many of Piranha’s photographs to accompany the articles.
Example Team Photography on Website
Below are a few examples of the portraits taken for the new website. The portraits are of the team taken at a wide variety of locations across Europe and the UK.