Piranha Photography - London Corporate Photographer

Photography in Finland and Bratislava of Portfolio Companies

Helsinki Photography

Location photography of portfolio company building near Helsinki Corporate Photographer London Corporate Photographer London

Bratislava Photography

Photographs of Facilites in Bratislava showing buildings and equipment Corporate Photographer London Corporate Photographer London Corporate Photographer London

Photography in Finland and Bratislava of Portfolio Companies

Piranha’s team of photographer and videographer travelled to Helsinki and Bratislava to video the key managers at two portfolio companies.  The managers described their business during the video.

Piranha also took photographs of the locations and facilities at both premises.  Here are a few of the images taken and used by the client afterwards.


ANNUAL REPORT PHOTOGRAPHY Brochure photography Private Equity Company Photography
"Hi Sam, Great, thank you very much. I enjoyed the two days away with Douglas and Adrian, and thought it all went very well. I was very pleased. And the photos are very good! Thanks - Client