Piranha Photography - London Corporate Photographer

Blog | Category: Law Firm Photography

Law firm photography of graduates in London

Photography for Travers Smith Lawfirm

Photography for Travers Smith Lawfirm Business Photographs taken of trainees for Travers Smith Lawfirm in their London Offices. These images will be used in recruitment literature and the portraits were used for other marketing materials.
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Law firm partners photography

Partners Photography of Law Firm Travers Smith

Partners Photography of Law Firm Travers Smith These portrait photographs of the partners were taken during a meeting.  Travers Smith law firm needed new Partners photography for use on their website and in pitch documents.
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Graduates photographed at solicitors offices for brochure

Photography of Trainee Solicitors for Travers Smith at their London Offices

  Photography of Trainee Solicitors for Travers Smith at their London Offices Photography taken for the law firm Travers Smith LLP at their London Offices. The photography was taken of the trainees will be used on the website and in literature, brochures and for PR purposes.  The company produce a graduate recruitment brochure each year...
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