Piranha Photography - London Corporate Photographer

Photography Project – Teenage Life During Covid-19 Lockdown

Photograph of teenager walking dog during lockdown.

Photograph selected by Leica to feature on the LFI Gallery Covid-19 #stayhome project page.

Covid-19 Lockdown Photography Project

During the Covid-19 Lockdown I have started a photography project – photographing teenage life at home in Oxford. At this time the children are unable to attend school and only allowed to leave the house for exercise once a day.

Lack of routine can be challenging at these times.  There will be an extended period of adjustment to this new and uncertain world pandemic. Normally the kids are untroubled by world news, but at the moment there seems to be a low level of constant anxiety as the BBC news is directly affecting the whole family for the first time.  This can manifest in different ways, perhaps losing temper or seeking parent company more often.

Everyday activities have assumed a greater significance and I have set myself the challenge of using my Leica cameras to take an interesting and different photograph each day to try and show this.  I expect the kids will remember this period for the rest of their lives.

As a professional photographer for over 20 years the challenge is to consider what to photograph and when and keep the project style consistent.  I want to capture what under normal circumstances would be a trivial subject and elevate it to this new significance.

Leica LFI International have been featuring my images on their #stayhome page and other galleries. You can see the photographs they selected here, and also the pages where they appeared  –

Photography Selected by Leica to Appear on their Gallery


Photograph of Looking out of Window during Covid-19 Lockdown

Teenage girl looking out of window during Covid19 Lockdown

Clementing pausing from her book to look out at the river next to the house. Having been for her walk this morining that’s it now until tomorrow.

Photograph of Teenager checking Phone

Boy looking at phone during lockdown in bedroom

Edmund checking Instagram on his phone before coming downstairs for breakfast. The almost constant communication between friends has kept him mentally positive throughout these times.

Taking a break from online schooling

Watching a movie on laptop

Clementine taking time out to catch up on a film, in a break from online schooling.

Ed Surrounded by his hobbies

Edmund surrounded by all his hobbies like golf, piano and electronic gadgets

Photograph of Edmund surrounded by his hobbies during lockdown. He is lying on the piano stool playing on his phone.

Home Schooling

Edmund looking at the ipad

School has begun for the summer term. There are technical issues at every turn. Hopefully by the end of the week everything will be working smoothly.

Reading on the Terrace

Sitting on the terrace in the sunshine reading a book overlooking the river during lockdown

Clementine sitting in the sunshine to read her book by the river, as she has to stay at home.


Getting Ready for Home Schooling

Clementine preparing for home schooling during lockdown, in her bedroom comlete with plenty of mess.

Preparing for the first day of home schooling. Laptop at the ready for facetime lessons and written homework. Teachers have to adjust also to teaching to a remote classroom, some students away now in different time zones. I thought I’d include the typical bomb site of a teenager’s bedroom, which is being ignored for now.

Cutting her Dad’s Hair while the Barbers Shops are Closed

Clementine cutting Douglas's hair in the kitchen with clippers during lockdown.

With no barbers open these days, Douglas has put his life into Clementine’s hands and handed her the clippers for his number 1 trim.

Brushing Teeth a Mundane Daily Chore

Brushing teeth at home during Covid-19 lockdown

Bruthing teeth – a necessary daily chore.

Breakfast during Lockdown

Breakfast at home before home schooling begins - photograph taken reflected in oven

Picture to show family life during lockdown. This image is a reflection shown in the oven as a large part of the family conversation now revolves around the menu for evening meals . The children are catching up on news with their friends via social media before starting their day of home schooling.


Helping with the Washing-Up

Photograph of teenager washing up at home during lockdown.

It is strange to be eating at home on a school day, with everyone being together for every meal. Even the household chores can be a break from home schooling, a view through the kitchen window added to a sense of reflectance. Photograph selected by Leica to feature on the LFI Gallery Covid-19 #stayhome project page.

Lunchtime during Lockdown Photographed from Above

Lunch during lockdown with yellow lemon drizzle cake

A cheering lunch complete with lemon drizzle cake. Keeping the teenagers happy. Photographed from above to alter the perspective, using my trustee Gitzo tripod. A couple of years ago I carried out much research into tripods to find the lightest yet strongest and settled on the Gitzo carbon fibre.

Cooking a Roast for Dinner

Teenager cooking during lockdown

Edmund preparing the roast for dinner. Despite his expression here he really enjoys cooking but the onions had made his eyes stream with tears.

Cleaning the Oven

Teenage boy cleaning oven photographed from inside with Leica camera.

Edmund is cleaning the oven after a roast. Strange times indeed – Kudos to him. Photographed employing a very wide-angle lens close up, which for a portrait is not something one would normally consider. I used the Voigtlander 15mm lens to generate this unusual perspective.

Edmund Hoovering the Hallway at Home

Teenager vacuuming hallway during lockdown in Oxford.

Photograph of Edmund hoovering the hallway at home during lockdown.


Golf Putting Practice at Home

Edmund practicing his golf putting in the house during lockdown.

The lockdown has now closed all the golf courses, so the most practice that can be carried out for a keen golfer is putting practice at home with a green baize mat that can be placed anywhere for a bit of variation.

Back to Golf

Back to the Golf Course

Wednesday was the first day when Lockdown started to ease and Edmund could return to the golf course.

Map Reading

Map reading ready for a lockdown walk around Oxford

With no CCF at school during lockdown Clementine is putting her orienteering skills to use by studying a map of Oxford to help her plan her next exercise outing.

Looking Stylish

Putting new red laces into Dr Marten boots ready for a walk

A new pair of bright red laces for Clementine’s beloved Dr Marten boots – to match her dress and the Leica red dot incidentally. If you are going out for only one hour during lockdown be sure to look stylish.

Learning a New Instrument – The Electric Guitar

Leica photograph of teenager playing Angry Angus electric guitar

During lockdown, learning the basics of rock guitar. A challenge which takes time but there is plenty of that a present.

Working on the School Robot for Robotics Competition

Clementine working on the school robot

School science projects need to continue during the lockdown. Here Clementine is upgrading the school robot entry into this year’s competition at Southampton University.

Putting Winter Blankets Away

carrying wool blankets up stairs to put away

Tidying up with summer approaching means putting winter clothes and blankets away.

Piano Practice

Edmund practicing the piano at home during lockdown.

Many hours of lockdown are spent playing the piano the concentration makes for ideal escapism. Here the headphones prove a useful tool in a crowded home with the electric piano and TV all in the same room. Photograph selected by Leica to feature on the LFI Gallery Covid-19 #stayhome project page.

Watering the Garden

Teenager watering the garden during lockdown.

Edmund getting the garden watered, an opportunity to try and spray his increasingly annoying sister and parents.

Getting the Bikes Ready for an Outing

Teenager sorting out bikes for a lockdown bike ride around Oxford

Getting ready for a bike ride. Pumping up the tyres after a couple of years of neglect, ready to go in a couple of minutes. For shallow depth of field so that the face is sharp and remainder softly out of focus, I used a Leica 90mm portrait lens – the Summicron APO.

Teenagers Checking their Phones

Teenager photographed checking phone on stairs at home

The children keeping on top of social media after lunch – anywhere will do.

Tackling a Jigsaw at Home

Clementine doing a jigsaw to occupy her time during lockdown

Tackling a wooden jigsaw, it has 2 layers to the scene so much harder than it looks.


Photography Project – Image of Empty Shopping Mall

Teenager in empty Westgate shopping mall photographed in front of NHS sign

Edmund taking some time to scoot around an eerily empty shopping mall in Oxford. No one was in the mall at the time, even though it would normally have been a busy bank holiday Monday. The sign says ‘THANK YOU NHS’ for all their work during the Covid-19 crisis.

Lockdown Walk around Oxford

Teenage girl walking in front of an empty Said business school in Oxford with blue sky behind.

Clementine shown here during her daily period of exercise. She is pictured walking past SAID Business School in Oxford. The pedestrian area shown is normally bustling with students and workers.

Fast Scooting in an Empty Oxford

Scooter ride through an empty Oxford during lockdown.

Edmund takes the opportunity for some speed scooting in a completely empty shopping mall in Oxford. Such strange times.

A Countryside Walk near Home

Teenage boy walking through local woodland on lockdown stroll

A short moody walk for exercise. Sometimes even teenagers need sun and fresh air to boost their morale. They are missing their friends and fun time away from their parents during lockdown.

Taking a Breath of Fresh Air amongst the Spring Blossom

Photography project picture of teenager wearing a hat walking through the spring blossom

An evening walk along a new route through the Oxford pathways. Here captured framed by the Spring blossom

Walking over Oxford Bridge during Lockdown Walk

Walking over a bridge near home during Covid19 lockdown

Cleme’s walk took her over one of many little used pedestrian bridges in Oxford.

Walking the Neighbour’s Dog

Photograph of teenager walking neighbours dog

During lockdown people are allowed one period of exercise per day, so as a favour Clementine took her neighbour’s dog for a walk to Port Meadow in Oxford. Another wide-angle portrait shot from very low down directly towards the sun. Shooting into the sun often gives some of the most dramatic photographs. The 21mm Leica Super Elmar is fantastic at controlling flare, whilst maintaining contrast, and the results always surpass my expectations.

Photograph – Sitting on a Bench During Lockdown Walk

Sitting on a bench during a lockdown walk in Oxford

A short pause on Clementine’s quiet walk today to watch the world go by, just one jogger and some geese.

Playing the Organ in Oxford Church

Playing the organ at a nearby empty church

Edmund playing the John Malcolm Reed Organ dated 1907 in the very quiet and remote church at Binsey near Oxford. I suspect Mike Oldfield’s Tubular Bells had never graced those keys before.

Railway Bridge in Oxford

Walking near home in Oxford under railway bridge

Daily walk, here pictured walking beneath a railway bridge on a canal path in central Oxford, not far from the railway station.

Throwing a Stick for the Dog

Dog walking during lockdown on port meadow

Walking a neighbour’s energetic dog during lockdown on Port Meadow, a tranquil area of Oxford that has been untouched since Saxon Times and popular with dog walkers and the occaisional brave swimmer. It is a welcome relief to be out in the sunshine for both the dog and teenager.

Photograph of Teenager during Daily Exercise Walk

Teenager on lockdown walk in Oxford with graffiti behind her

Teenager during exercise break, photographed in a tunnel with soothing graffiti behind.

Rainbow within a Rainbow

Teenager photographed in front of NHS rainbow drawing on house wall in Oxford

When a rainbow jumper finds a chalk drawing of a rainbow in the next street you have to take a photograph. The rainbow has been a strong symbol of these times, signifying hope with perhaps, some metaphorical gold lurking at the end.

The Bridge of Sighs in Oxford during Lockdown

Photograph taken in Oxford during lockdown of Bridge of Sighs with teenage girl standing beneath

Photograph taken in Oxford during lockdown of Bridge of Sighs with teenager standing beneath the bridge. A beautiful blue sky but no one around even at the weekend.

Choosing Asparagus

Choosing asparagus at a nearby farm ready for lunch.

Edmund choosing bunches of asparagus during a lockdown cycle ride from a nearby Oxfordshire farm.

A Slideshow of all the Photographs from the ‘Teenagers in Lockdown’ Photography Project

Oxford Mail – Coverage of Photography Project

Great to see the Oxford Mail have picked up our story on ’Teenagers in Lockdown’ and given it front page prominence and a centre double page spread no less!
Press coverage of photography project in Oxford Mail - Front page Centre spread of Oxford Mail showing Piranha Photography's lockdown project

BBC – Coronavirus: Your pictures of lockdown at home

Photograph appearing on BBC pictures website on the subject of lockdown photography taken at home

Lockdown photograph chosen to appear on BBC website to illustrate their brief of ‘Your pictures of lockdown at home’

BBC – Your pictures on the theme of ‘urban living’

Photograph selected to appear on BBC News page in the theme of urban living - Cleme doing up her laces on her DM boots over lockdown.

Photograph of Clementine getting ready to go for a walk in Oxford over lockdown this summer. She is extremely fond of her Dr.Marten boots and has an array of different coloured laces for them.

Lockdown 2 & 3 – Chess

Photography of the children playing chess. The Netflix series The Queen’s Gambit has inspired a chess craze in our house.

The games take place either with the imitation Lewis chessmen set as seen here or online on one of the many chess apps. The online apps allow the children to play with contemporaries from school or other players all over the world.  U-tube is a constant source of inspiration as commentators run through famous chess matches of Grand Masters and explain their moves.

Other games which have occupied the family are Bridge online and regular games of Scrabble after lunch.

Photography Project - Teenage Life During Covid-19 Lockdown 1


Statistically just 13% of students studying computer science, gaming and related courses in the UK are girls.  In our house the RaspberryPi has provided many hours of entertainment with the robot that was brought home from school in lockdown 1 and here to assist with improving coding, and learning more Python, in preparation for university in the autumn.

The below photograph was taken whilst Clementine was coding at one of the computers.  The final picture consists of a montage of the screen and image, shot separately.

Lockdown hobbys

Exercise in the Snow

Finding fun things to do during a winter lockdown is not always obvious – walking in the snow was definitely a high point of January 2021.

Photograph of enjoying the snow in Oxford during lockdown 2021

Pancake making for Shrove Tuesday

Having fun with tossing pancakes was another entertaining thing to keep the troupes happy and keep them away from screens and schoolwork for a few minutes.

The hysteria rose to new heights when one of the pancakes was thrown up so high it stuck to the kitchen ceiling.

Photography Project - Teenage Life During Covid-19 Lockdown 2 Photography Project - Teenage Life During Covid-19 Lockdown 3

Featured Article on SLR Lounge

One of Douglas’s articles giving advise getting your photography business through a recession was featured on SLR Lounge. The full piece can be found here – SLR Lounge Business Article

SLR Lounge - article written by Douglas at Piranha Photography about business



"Everyday activities have assumed a greater significance and I have set myself the challenge of taking a creative and different photograph each day to try and show this. - Douglas Fry Photographer