Website Photography for Private Equity Company in London and Guernsey
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Website Photography for Private Equity Company in London and Guernsey
Photography for leading private equity company – a number of days of photo shoots to generate a large selection of images for the website and literature. The photography took place in both London and Guernsey, and included portraits of individuals –
The shots were to capture the management team and a sense of the office atmosphere.
![Website Photography for Private Equity Company in London and Guernsey 1 Guy hands in meeting at Terra Firma Guernsey - photograph on website]()
![Website Photography for Private Equity Company in London and Guernsey 2 A number of meeting photographs featured on Private Equity company website]()
![Website Photography for Private Equity Company in London and Guernsey 3 Meeting photograph in Terra Firma's offices]()
![Website Photography for Private Equity Company in London and Guernsey 8 Meeting in London photograph on company website]()
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Professional corporate photographer, providing company headshot photography and video for businesses in London, the rest of the UK and Europe. Piranha are commissioned by FTSE100 companies and start-ups alike, for numerous projects, covering a wide range of work and styles. Portraits and office photography for use on websites, events coverage and PR shots for press and publications, as well as Board and location photography for annual reports. Using top of the range Leica cameras and lenses. We process the images promptly and to an extremely high standard.
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